Minespider 创始人兼首席执行官。 Nathan Williams概述, Nathan Williams信息, Nathan Williams区块链, Nathan Williams维基, Nathan Williams社交, Nathan Williams Medium, Nathan Williams ICO, Nathan Williams回顾, Nathan Williams快讯
1kx 运营,同时主持 Wizard of Dapps 播客。 Bethany D'Sylva概述, Bethany D'Sylva信息, Bethany D'Sylva区块链, Bethany D'Sylva维基, Bethany D'Sylva社交, Bethany D'Sylva Medium, Bethany D'Sylva ICO
Notation Capital 负责人。 Katherine Wu概述, Katherine Wu信息, Katherine Wu区块链, Katherine Wu维基, Katherine Wu社交, Katherine Wu Medium, Katherine Wu ICO, Katherine Wu回顾, Katherine Wu快讯, Katherine Wu追踪
加密播客。 The Block Runner概述, The Block Runner信息, The Block Runner区块链, The Block Runner维基, The Block Runner社交, The Block Runner Medium, The Block Runner ICO, The Block Runner回顾, The Block Runner快讯, The B
以太坊区块链上开发的完整指南。 EthereumDevIO概述, EthereumDevIO信息, EthereumDevIO区块链, EthereumDevIO维基, EthereumDevIO社交, EthereumDevIO Medium, EthereumDevIO ICO, EthereumDevIO回顾, EthereumDevIO快讯, EthereumDevIO追踪
Frontier 首席运营官。 Philip Arthur Moore概述, Philip Arthur Moore信息, Philip Arthur Moore区块链, Philip Arthur Moore维基, Philip Arthur Moore社交, Philip Arthur Moore Medium, Philip Arthur Moore ICO, Philip Arthur
Wildcards 联合创始人。 Jason Smythe概述, Jason Smythe信息, Jason Smythe区块链, Jason Smythe维基, Jason Smythe社交, Jason Smythe Medium, Jason Smythe ICO, Jason Smythe回顾, Jason Smythe快讯, Jason Smythe追踪
组织社区,以提高以太坊安全性。 ETHSecurity概述, ETHSecurity信息, ETHSecurity区块链, ETHSecurity维基, ETHSecurity社交, ETHSecurity Medium, ETHSecurity ICO, ETHSecurity回顾, ETHSecurity快讯, ETHSecurity追踪
Bullionix.io 首席开发者。 Daniel Mathieu概述, Daniel Mathieu信息, Daniel Mathieu区块链, Daniel Mathieu维基, Daniel Mathieu社交, Daniel Mathieu Medium, Daniel Mathieu ICO, Daniel Mathieu回顾, Daniel Mathieu快讯, Daniel Ma
克拉根福大学的网络安全教授。 Elisabeth Oswald概述, Elisabeth Oswald信息, Elisabeth Oswald区块链, Elisabeth Oswald维基, Elisabeth Oswald社交, Elisabeth Oswald Medium, Elisabeth Oswald ICO, Elisabeth Oswald回顾, Elisabeth Oswald
Ladder 首席执行官。 Athena Kan概述, Athena Kan信息, Athena Kan区块链, Athena Kan维基, Athena Kan社交, Athena Kan Medium, Athena Kan ICO, Athena Kan回顾, Athena Kan快讯, Athena Kan追踪
Fidelity Investments 旗下 Avon Ventures 的投资人。 Alex Thorn概述, Alex Thorn信息, Alex Thorn区块链, Alex Thorn维基, Alex Thorn社交, Alex Thorn Medium, Alex Thorn ICO, Alex Thorn回顾, Alex Thorn快讯, Alex Thorn追踪
Kleros 的 dApp 开发者。 Matheus Alencar概述, Matheus Alencar信息, Matheus Alencar区块链, Matheus Alencar维基, Matheus Alencar社交, Matheus Alencar Medium, Matheus Alencar ICO, Matheus Alencar回顾, Matheus Alencar快讯, M
UCL 区块链技术中心行业助理。 Jane Thomason概述, Jane Thomason信息, Jane Thomason区块链, Jane Thomason维基, Jane Thomason社交, Jane Thomason Medium, Jane Thomason ICO, Jane Thomason回顾, Jane Thomason快讯, Jane Thomason追踪
Flex Dapps 初级开发者。 Jonathan Dunne概述, Jonathan Dunne信息, Jonathan Dunne区块链, Jonathan Dunne维基, Jonathan Dunne社交, Jonathan Dunne Medium, Jonathan Dunne ICO, Jonathan Dunne回顾, Jonathan Dunne快讯, Jonathan Du
Fetch AI 研究主管。 Jonathan Ward概述, Jonathan Ward信息, Jonathan Ward区块链, Jonathan Ward维基, Jonathan Ward社交, Jonathan Ward Medium, Jonathan Ward ICO, Jonathan Ward回顾, Jonathan Ward快讯, Jonathan Ward追踪
Coinbound 创始人兼首席执行官。 Ty Daniel Smith概述, Ty Daniel Smith信息, Ty Daniel Smith区块链, Ty Daniel Smith维基, Ty Daniel Smith社交, Ty Daniel Smith Medium, Ty Daniel Smith ICO, Ty Daniel Smith回顾, Ty Daniel Smith快讯,
前 Meridio 商务拓展总监。 Thomas Klocanas概述, Thomas Klocanas信息, Thomas Klocanas区块链, Thomas Klocanas维基, Thomas Klocanas社交, Thomas Klocanas Medium, Thomas Klocanas ICO, Thomas Klocanas回顾, Thomas Klocanas快讯, Th
InShare SMART Risk 首席执行官。 Graeme Thurgood概述, Graeme Thurgood信息, Graeme Thurgood区块链, Graeme Thurgood维基, Graeme Thurgood社交, Graeme Thurgood Medium, Graeme Thurgood ICO, Graeme Thurgood回顾, Graeme Thurgo
路印 Loopring 商务拓展总监。 Matthew Finestone概述, Matthew Finestone信息, Matthew Finestone区块链, Matthew Finestone维基, Matthew Finestone社交, Matthew Finestone Medium, Matthew Finestone ICO, Matthew Finestone回顾, Mat
Spartan 合作伙伴关系总监。 Anthony Yoon概述, Anthony Yoon信息, Anthony Yoon区块链, Anthony Yoon维基, Anthony Yoon社交, Anthony Yoon Medium, Anthony Yoon ICO, Anthony Yoon回顾, Anthony Yoon快讯, Anthony Yoon追踪
Coinsence 以太坊智能合约的开发者。 Haythem Sellami概述, Haythem Sellami信息, Haythem Sellami区块链, Haythem Sellami维基, Haythem Sellami社交, Haythem Sellami Medium, Haythem Sellami ICO, Haythem Sellami回顾, Haythem Sellami快
Humane 联合创始人兼首席执行官。 Bethany Bongiorno概述, Bethany Bongiorno信息, Bethany Bongiorno区块链, Bethany Bongiorno维基, Bethany Bongiorno社交, Bethany Bongiorno Medium, Bethany Bongiorno ICO, Bethany Bongiorno回顾, Bet
Civil 首席执行官。 Matthew Iles概述, Matthew Iles信息, Matthew Iles区块链, Matthew Iles维基, Matthew Iles社交, Matthew Iles Medium, Matthew Iles ICO, Matthew Iles回顾, Matthew Iles快讯, Matthew Iles追踪
泰国的软件开发人员。 Kridsada Thanabulpong概述, Kridsada Thanabulpong信息, Kridsada Thanabulpong区块链, Kridsada Thanabulpong维基, Kridsada Thanabulpong社交, Kridsada Thanabulpong Medium, Kridsada Thanabulpong ICO, Krids
Commonwealth Labs 头号员工。 Thom Ivy概述, Thom Ivy信息, Thom Ivy区块链, Thom Ivy维基, Thom Ivy社交, Thom Ivy Medium, Thom Ivy ICO, Thom Ivy回顾, Thom Ivy快讯, Thom Ivy追踪
在 Parity 负责 UX 与产品设计。 Thibaut Sardan概述, Thibaut Sardan信息, Thibaut Sardan区块链, Thibaut Sardan维基, Thibaut Sardan社交, Thibaut Sardan Medium, Thibaut Sardan ICO, Thibaut Sardan回顾, Thibaut Sardan快讯, Thibaut
专业的市场顾问。 Marcel Thiess概述, Marcel Thiess信息, Marcel Thiess区块链, Marcel Thiess维基, Marcel Thiess社交, Marcel Thiess Medium, Marcel Thiess ICO, Marcel Thiess回顾, Marcel Thiess快讯, Marcel Thiess追踪
Delphi Digital 旗下的播客节目。 The Delphi Podcast概述, The Delphi Podcast信息, The Delphi Podcast区块链, The Delphi Podcast维基, The Delphi Podcast社交, The Delphi Podcast Medium, The Delphi Podcast ICO, The Delphi Po
0x 资深软件开发工程师。 Daniel Pyrathon概述, Daniel Pyrathon信息, Daniel Pyrathon区块链, Daniel Pyrathon维基, Daniel Pyrathon社交, Daniel Pyrathon Medium, Daniel Pyrathon ICO, Daniel Pyrathon回顾, Daniel Pyrathon快讯, Daniel
以太坊布宜诺斯艾利斯。 EthereumBA概述, EthereumBA信息, EthereumBA区块链, EthereumBA维基, EthereumBA社交, EthereumBA Medium, EthereumBA ICO, EthereumBA回顾, EthereumBA快讯, EthereumBA追踪
在 Send Wyre 负责战略。 Thomas Scaria概述, Thomas Scaria信息, Thomas Scaria区块链, Thomas Scaria维基, Thomas Scaria社交, Thomas Scaria Medium, Thomas Scaria ICO, Thomas Scaria回顾, Thomas Scaria快讯, Thomas Scaria追踪
ConsenSys 区块链工程师。 Ethan Wessel概述, Ethan Wessel信息, Ethan Wessel区块链, Ethan Wessel维基, Ethan Wessel社交, Ethan Wessel Medium, Ethan Wessel ICO, Ethan Wessel回顾, Ethan Wessel快讯, Ethan Wessel追踪
由 Castle Island Ventures 主持的播客节目。 On The Brink概述, On The Brink信息, On The Brink区块链, On The Brink维基, On The Brink社交, On The Brink Medium, On The Brink ICO, On The Brink回顾, On The Brink快讯, On The Brink追踪
Decentral 创始人兼首席执行官。 Anthony Di Iorio概述, Anthony Di Iorio信息, Anthony Di Iorio区块链, Anthony Di Iorio维基, Anthony Di Iorio社交, Anthony Di Iorio Medium, Anthony Di Iorio ICO, Anthony Di Iorio回顾, Anthony Di
以太坊法语资讯。 Ethereum France概述, Ethereum France信息, Ethereum France区块链, Ethereum France维基, Ethereum France社交, Ethereum France Medium, Ethereum France ICO, Ethereum France回顾, Ethereum France快讯, Ethereum Fr