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Frederick Munawa 创建的区块链访谈知识库。 The Blockchain Guy概述, The Blockchain Guy信息, The Blockchain Guy区块链, The Blockchain Guy维基, The Blockchain Guy社交, The Blockchain Guy Medium, The Blockchain Guy ICO, The Blo
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3Box 开发负责人。 Rachel Black概述, Rachel Black信息, Rachel Black区块链, Rachel Black维基, Rachel Black社交, Rachel Black Medium, Rachel Black ICO, Rachel Black回顾, Rachel Black快讯, Rachel Black追踪
旨在赋予区块链行业女性以力量。 SHE Blockchainers概述, SHE Blockchainers信息, SHE Blockchainers区块链, SHE Blockchainers维基, SHE Blockchainers社交, SHE Blockchainers Medium, SHE Blockchainers ICO, SHE Blockchainers回顾, SHE Blo
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Tlon 软件开发工程师。 Ted Blackman概述, Ted Blackman信息, Ted Blackman区块链, Ted Blackman维基, Ted Blackman社交, Ted Blackman Medium, Ted Blackman ICO, Ted Blackman回顾, Ted Blackman快讯, Ted Blackman追踪
Fleek 前端软件开发工程师。 Giancarlo Otarola Robledo概述, Giancarlo Otarola Robledo信息, Giancarlo Otarola Robledo区块链, Giancarlo Otarola Robledo维基, Giancarlo Otarola Robledo社交, Giancarlo Otarola Robledo Medium, Gi
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在澳大利亚阿德莱德举办的区块链峰会。 ADC Global Blockchain概述, ADC Global Blockchain信息, ADC Global Blockchain区块链, ADC Global Blockchain维基, ADC Global Blockchain社交, ADC Global Blockchain Medium, ADC Global Blockchain IC
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LEAP 创始人。 Rob Hamblen概述, Rob Hamblen信息, Rob Hamblen区块链, Rob Hamblen维基, Rob Hamblen社交, Rob Hamblen Medium, Rob Hamblen ICO, Rob Hamblen回顾, Rob Hamblen快讯, Rob Hamblen追踪
比特币开发者,从 2012 年起。 Tamas Blummer概述, Tamas Blummer信息, Tamas Blummer区块链, Tamas Blummer维基, Tamas Blummer社交, Tamas Blummer Medium, Tamas Blummer ICO, Tamas Blummer回顾, Tamas Blummer快讯, Tamas Blummer追踪
由 Imran Bashir 撰写的《精通区块链》博客。 Mastering Blockchain概述, Mastering Blockchain信息, Mastering Blockchain区块链, Mastering Blockchain维基, Mastering Blockchain社交, Mastering Blockchain Medium, Mastering Blockchain
CV VC 总监。 Ralf Kubli概述, Ralf Kubli信息, Ralf Kubli区块链, Ralf Kubli维基, Ralf Kubli社交, Ralf Kubli Medium, Ralf Kubli ICO, Ralf Kubli回顾, Ralf Kubli快讯, Ralf Kubli追踪
Whiteblock 系统工程师。 Nathaniel Blakely概述, Nathaniel Blakely信息, Nathaniel Blakely区块链, Nathaniel Blakely维基, Nathaniel Blakely社交, Nathaniel Blakely Medium, Nathaniel Blakely ICO, Nathaniel Blakely回顾, Natha